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The unconscious bias of starting your business  

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Hi I'm Vivien
Your Strategic Communication Designer 

I recently met with a founder who seemingly did all the right things to launch his business.

He had created a much-needed solution, had a solid service, a good-looking website, and regularly posted on social media.


It should have been a walk in the park.


But when he launched he only got one response. 


I knew exactly how he felt - because 2 years ago, that was me.


When I first started my indie entrepreneur journey, I was feeling pretty smug. I had over 10 years of marketing experience in the luxury market. I organised conferences and political dinners, wrote press releases, sales copy, emails, and events brochures, negotiated sponsorship deals, and helped a company get to six figures in 2 months. 


I had all these high hopes of becoming a small business marketer and imagined clients flocking to me.


I set up my website, sent cold emails, posted on social media, and waited. 


Weeks went by with no progress.


The few responses I received would ask me if "I could change my services" or "if I would work for free."


Desperate to find a solution, I began to consume every hack.


And with every "shiny object," I would go back and forth, changing my website, re-writing, and posting, and there would still be crickets. 


​Looking back, the problem should have been obvious - I didn't have the right business position (I was copying everyone else and ended up blending into the background).


was speaking to the wrong people  (I didn't know who my Ideal Client was).


I had no communication strategy - I was throwing spaghetti against the wall, hoping something would stick. 


Childhood picture

It takes more than just writing catchy taglines on a website to get clients.


You have to have a clear strategy and when it comes to telling the world about your business you need to focus on 2 things:


- Who you are (Your Positioning)

- Why Your Customers Should Care About You (Your Message)


It was my brother, Kevin, who taught me to define myself before anyone else had the chance to - that way I got to determine how I wanted to be remembered. To prove his point on my first day at university, he knocked on each door in my dorm and made me stand there and introduce myself to my housemates! 


So I started again.

This time I got laser-focused on my positioning and leaned into the part of my business I love - Communication Design.


I got clear on who my ideal clients were, the problems they faced, and the solutions I could provide, and the message they needed to hear and grew a community of like-minded creatives. 


Today, I enjoy working with indie entrepreneurs helping them bridge their communication gap and attract quality clients. I also advise and train in-house communication teams and talk about ditching the boring - blah corporate writing.


That feeling when your business communication aligns with your customer, where you don't have to feel like you're pushing for a sale when your business pulls your ideal customers in - that's what makes me do what I do.


Come and see where your words can take your business.



I'm also available for speaking assignments. I was asked to talk about Copywriting at the Create International Conference


You can watch the replay here:

The 5 psychology hacks you need to use in your communications and 2 to avoid

(45 min)

Twitter Spaces recording

X (Twitter) Space

60 min How to use your words to promote your business


A few months ago a previous contact asked if she could tag me in a post she was writing.


What she wrote blew me away

Click to read the full article

Intercontinental Connections
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